Announcing her run for governor, former U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte said she’d fight to prevent New Hampshire from becoming Massachusetts. It was as if she had insulted Bill Belichick’s mother.
Lowell’s city manager demanded an apology for Ayotte’s factual assertion that his city has long been a source of illegal drugs entering New Hampshire. Boston Globe columnist Yvonne Abraham compared New Hampshire Republicans, along with all other Republicans, to the patrons of the Mos Eisley cantina in Star Wars, though she lost points for calling the cantina a “bar.”
“In New Hampshire, as in the rest of the country, the GOP has become the bar scene from ‘Star Wars,’ dominated by extremists, conspiracy theorists, culture war obsessives, and cultish devotees of former president Donald Trump,” Abraham wrote.
Also weighing in on the MA-vs-NH front, if you missed yesterday's LFOD item, was Stephen Robinson, confident enough in his masculinity to write for a substack named "Wonkette".
Cline does a good job defending New Hampshire against the slings and arrows of Massholes. (He does not ask, "What's the matter, Yvonne? Jealous?")
By the way, our Amazon Product du Jour is the Lego set for the Mos Eisley Cantina, and it will set you back $399.95.
There's an option to get either Standard or "Frustration-Free" Packaging, and they cost the same. I'm trying to come up with an argument that would favor the Standard. "No, man, frustration opening a Lego set is character-building."
Anyway, if you click through and buy it, I get a cut, and it would make me grateful and very, very, surprised.