In the Mail


I must admit I was briefly intrigued by the logo on a bit of today's mail:

[Relief at last!]

Relief at last!

Alas, I was quickly disabused on a complete view:

[The Whole Story]

It turns out they are not offering relief from the actual national debt. I'd love to see that plan. Instead they're aiming their pitch at folks like Lindsay, Single Working Mom.

And their game seems to be debt consolidation: they pay off your creditors, you pay them off over that multi-year period they pitch, hopefully at a lower interest rate. It probably wouldn't work for Uncle Stupid.

Although it probably wouldn't hurt if every single member of Congress were to ask them for help. I assume that National Debt Relief is pretty good at explaining the fiscal facts of life to utterly irresponsible borrowers.

Last Modified 2024-01-30 6:11 AM EST