Pun Salad must link to Rich Galen's explication of the latest
financial scandal: He
Madoff With All the Money.
It's getting to be that time of year where people write up
their "Best of 2008" lists. (It
seems to get earlier every year, doesn't it? Isn't it risky to
do that with a couple weeks left in the year?)
Anyway, connoisseurs of the mugshot photo will want to enjoy this collection from The Smoking Gun. There are semi-famous people: Andy Dick, Heather Lockyear. And number 10 is from the Concord (NH) Police Department, who busted Peter Abramczyk back in September after he advertised himself as a "passable crossdresser" on Craigslist. Frankly, he's not going to be confused with Heather Lockyear anytime soon.
Quote du jour is from Frank J at IMAO, who's
talking about Chelsea Clinton as a possible replacement in her mom's
Senate seat:
We're conservatives. We have jobs, families, responsibilities. Because of this, we have a very limited supply of rats' asses.
Truer words were never spoken. Well, maybe they were, but these are still pretty good.
URLs du Jour