If there ever was a movie that needed a "don't try this at home" disclaimer, this is probably it.
Two British boys, Will and Lee, are outcasts at their school. Will is a member of a hyper-religious sect, the Plymouth Brethren. He's forbidden to watch TV. We're shown, however, that he has an active imagination and unusual creativity, having covered page after page in his Bible with illustrations and flipbook animations.
Lee, on the other hand, is the school's bad boy, a perpetual miscreant. He's also a budding filmmaker, itching to make a movie to enter in a contest for kids.
Naturally, events conspire to throw them together. Will happens to watch Lee's bootleg copy of First Blood, a revelation that transforms him into an enthusiastic creative partner/actor/stuntman in what turns into a First Blood sequel. That "stuntman" part is what will make any parent wince and squirm; Lee's movie requires that Will engage in a good deal of what the MPAA terms "reckless behavior."
It's funny and charming, a good choice for your multicultural movie night.