Check the
Saturday Night Live might consider recycling this
sketch from 1992.
"I can't believe I'm losing to this guy."
At QandO, McQ explains what's going on to an incredulous Huffposter.
So your problem, in short, is most American's don't like mean spirited people who distort and lie about other people and their accomplishments. Unfortunately for you it appears your compatriots on the left just cannot help themselves. It has been an unseemly and, frankly, disgusting display. The present effect, for the record, is known as a "blowback". Enjoy. -
The coveted Pun Salad Read The Whole Thing Award
for today goes to
Steve Chapman
who looked, unsuccessfully, for even any rhetorical
nod toward liberty at the national
You will scour the presidential nominees' acceptance speeches in vain for any hint that your life is rightfully your own, to be lived in accordance with your beliefs and desires and no one else's.
There are important differences between Obama and McCain, of course. But neither one feels the need to even pay lip service to individual freedom, preferring instead to advocate "unselfish" servitude to their preferred collective causes.
In related news—well, I think it's related—the
Libertarian Party-nominated Bob Barr
has qualified to appear on the November election
ballot in the Granite State.
In a typically big-L Libertarian self-destructive move, Barr rival George Phillies will also appear on the NH ballot.
And Ralph Nader too. Did you know he's actually older than John McCain?
Don LaFontaine has passed away; as his website says,
he was "arguably the most successful Voice Actor of all time." I'm not
going to argue. You've probably heard his voice on uncountable
commercials and
movie trailers. One of my favorites was for Jerry Seinfeld's
Comedian, where… oh right, this is the YouTube
era. See for yourself:
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