Howard Dean is a Lying Crapweasel

Send one kvetchy e-mail to your Democratic Congresswoman, and apparently you get on the mailing list for the Democratic National Committee. That'll teach me.

Special Notice for Mr. Paul Sand

You have been selected to represent Rollinsford, NH in the 2008 Presidential Campaign Survey. Survey documents registered in your name are enclosed.

Mrs. S. tells me that she's never seen my eyes roll around in my head like that before.

It's pretty standard stuff, the flip side of what I usually get from the GOP. But question seven on the survey kind of irritated me:

  1. Do you believe that John McCain's pledge to keep troops in Iraq for another 100 years will be a liability in the General Election?

    Yes No Unsure

As anyone knows who gets their news from sources other than MSNBC, that's above and beyond the usual campaign exaggeration, crashing into "outright lie" territory.

Here's on a previous DNC version of this falsehood:

What McCain actually said is that he wouldn't mind a hundred-year troop presence "as long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed."

I.e., far from a "pledge", even further from the DNC's implication.

The survey comes with a cover letter from DNC Chairman "Governor Howard Dean, M.D." which includes the query:

And how should our Party respond when John McCain and his Republican allies try to "Swift Boat" our nominee with dirty tricks, personal attacks and untruths?

As far as untruths go, they've apparently decided on a preemptive strike.

Last Modified 2012-10-12 7:45 AM EST