Looking to see how well your Congressional representatives
are doing in promoting economic liberty and prosperity? If
you can stand the bad news, the Club for Growth has released
its 2007 scorecard based on votes on key issues. My NH-specific
After scoring a perfect 100% in 2005 and 2006, Senator
Sununu dropped to a
75% last year, only good for 23rd-best in the Senate. Could he be
"moderating" his stands in preparation for his re-election bid?
Senator Gregg's scores: 99%, 92%, and 79%, good for 4th, 11th, and 19th
place, respectively.
Oh, but wait. It gets worse. In her first year as a House member, Carol
Shea-Porter earned a 1% score, putting her in a solid 394th place among
her colleagues.
Paul Hodes, also a House freshman, scored an almost-as-dismal
6%, for 326th place.
Elections matter. Both Shea-Porter and Hodes replaced Republicans with
mediocre, but not bottom-dwelling, scores.
After scoring a perfect 100% in 2005 and 2006, Senator
Sununu dropped to a
75% last year, only good for 23rd-best in the Senate. Could he be
"moderating" his stands in preparation for his re-election bid?
But there's good news out of Great Britain: Great tits
cope well with warming. With pictures!
Yeah, I'm like, ten years old. That was via Rich Galen.