URLs du Jour


  • For your amusement, you can compare reviews of President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech: the reliably sycophantic Joel Achenbach thought it was "classic Obama", and he's also appreciative that it avoided the usual implicit-to-explicit Bush-bashing.

    The Minuteman was less adoring:

    If platitudes were warheads Obama would have violated a treaty. Oh, well, it probably sounded better in the college dorm where it was written.
    In addition, he pissed off some Norwegians. As a Weegie-American myself, I observe: (1) that's hard to do; (2) on the other hand, who cares? There's a reason my ancestors emigrated: to get away from those guys.

  • Don Boudreaux at Cafe Hayek notes that Congress isn't content merely to screw up the big issues, like health care and energy policy. They're also eager to intrude on college football.
    Words fail me when trying to describe the disgust I feel for the obnoxious, officious, opportunistic, unprincipled, lying (Do they really mean their oaths to uphold the U.S. Constitution?), arrogant, imperious, and duplicitous creeps who are in Congress.

    They are utterly and without question worthy only of ridicule and disrespect.

    Note: this is what Professor Boudreaux says when words fail him. One can only imagine what happens when they don't.

  • [Amazon Link]
    (paid link)
    Christmas is a mere couple of weeks away, and you may be stressing out over what to get that special someone. And that someone would have to be some kind of special if you even consider getting him or her anything from Dave Barry's Gift Guide 2009.

    Through the magic of Amazon, an example item is shown over there on the right. (No, your right.) Pun Salad takes no responsibility for any repercussions if you decide to buy this for anyone.

  • Literally minutes of fun can be had at Autocomplete Me, a website devoted to the compilation of wacky guesses made by the Google as a search phrase is typed.

    Unfortunately, this did not work for me: when I typed "dinosaurs we" at Google, none of the autocomplete-guesses were "dinosaurs were made up by the cia to discourage time travel."

    But I did notice that as I was typing "Norwegian ethnic" for the first item up there, Google was quick to (correctly) intuit that I might be looking for "Norwegian ethnic slur." (Whoa: Rjeindeer-Fjucker? Really?)

Last Modified 2024-01-31 5:14 AM EDT