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In other news …

  • If you'd like to get depressed about the current state of computer security—or if you just run Windows—check out Bruce Schneier's essay on Storm, the current state of the art in screwing up your computer and the Internet.
    Although it's most commonly called a worm, Storm is really more: a worm, a Trojan horse and a bot all rolled into one. It's also the most successful example we have of a new breed of worm, and I've seen estimates that between 1 million and 50 million computers have been infected worldwide.
    Pun Salad readers would not be caught dead clicking on enticing links in their e-mail, I'm sure. But you might want to pass along that information to your more gullible friends.

    Oh, yeah:

    Unfortunately we have no idea who controls Storm, although there's some speculation that they're Russian.
    You don't want some low-life Russkies controlling your computer do you?

  • I'm probably leaning toward Fred Thompson at this point, but his base pandering to Iowans is pretty disappointing. (Via the Corner.)