Letter to my Reps

Here's what I sent to New Hampshire's senators, and my—sigh—Congresswoman, Carol Shea-Porter:

I hope you will oppose the so-called "compromise" Kennedy/Kyl immigration bill.

I recently read that it got rid of any requirement for illegal immigrants paying their back taxes and penalties to the IRS. This transforms a merely bad bill to one that's completely unacceptable. It's a kick in the face to just about any law-abiding taxpayer.

Just say no. The status quo is better than this bill.

I'm not sure how effective this will be—I'm pretty sure that voting-wise, Congresswoman Shea-Porter listens to Nancy Pelosi far more carefully than she does her constituents—but it couldn't hurt.

From the story linked above:

"I can tell you, most law-abiding taxpayers would find that provision totally distasteful," [spokesman for the National Taxpayers Union Pete Sepp] said about the decision not to seek back taxes. "I doubt that many citizens are willing to swallow that special treatment."
I think that's a definite contender for Understatement of the Year.