28 Weeks Later

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I coulda gone to see Spider-Man 3, but Pun Son is a devotee of zombie movies, and I'd heard good things about this, so …

Unfortunately, nothing special for me here. It's competently made, but (personally speaking) I don't enjoy movies with plots of the type which this is, of which I can't tell you, because to tell you would involve a major spoiler. If you catch my drift, and it's OK if you don't. I liked the predecessor better.

Well, no big deal. It's not as if I set fire to those sixteen dollars, I guess.

And your mileage may vary; Reihan Salam, for example, deemed "one of the best movies I've ever seen, and certainly the best I've seen in a long while." He goes on (accurately enough) about the acting talent, but it seems to me the acting here runs the limited range between (a) terrified and (b) incredibly pissed off, with one small foray into (c) brave but doomed.

Last Modified 2024-02-02 4:34 AM EDT