Voting Your Aesthetics

George F. Will aims some well-chosen big words:

Last week, in his 10-thumbed attempt to prevent his wife's Louisiana loss, Bill Clinton said that Obama has made "an explicit argument that the '90s weren't much better than this decade." The phrase "explicit argument" was an exquisitely Clintonian touch, signaling to seasoned decoders of Clintonisms that, no matter how diligent the search, no such thought could be found, even implicitly, in anything Obama has ever said. In his preternatural neediness, Clinton, an overflowing caldron of narcissism and solipsism, is still smarting from Obama's banal observation, four weeks ago, that Ronald Reagan was a more transformative president than Clinton.
"Overflowing caldron of narcissism and solipsism." I like that. George has some leftover words for Hillary ("she should tweak her fable in future tellings"), Democrat superdelegates ("more equal than others") and Huckabee ("a whiff of lunacy or charlatanry"), so go check 'em out.